In February 2021, we welcomed five writers from other UNESCO cities of literature to Norwich for a month-long virtual residency. As part of this experience, Vahni Capildeo, Valur Gunnarsson, Liz Breslin, Marcin Wilk, and Lynn Buckle were commissioned to take a stroll through Norwich via the virtual lens and write about this imaginary experience.

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God browte to my mynd that I shuld synne, and for lykyng that I had in
beholdyng of Hym, I entended not redily to that shewyng. And our Lord full
mercifully abode and gave me grace to entendyn, and thys shewyng I toke singu-
larly to myselfe. But be al the gracious comforte that folowyth, as ye shal seen,
I was leryd to take it to al my even Cristen, al in general and nothing in special.
Thowe our Lord shewid me I should synne, by me alone is understode al. And
in this I concyvid a soft drede; anto this our Lord answerid: I kepe the ful
sekirly. This word was seid with more love and sekirness and gostly kepyng than
I can or may telle. For as it was shewid that I should synne, ryth so was the com-
forte shewid, sekirnes and kepyng for al myn even Cristen. What may make me
more to love myn evyn Cristen than to seen in God that He lovyth all that shal
be savid as it wer al on soule?.

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